I thought it prudent to start with a book that reiterates what I firmly believe in, that to be a great HR professional, one has to learn to connect with people (Read: employees) by adopting a principled and proactive approach, being genuine and last but not the least, being adaptable, flexible and openminded.
HR from the Heart has been written by Libby Sartain and co-authored by Martha I.Finney.

In the book, Libby Sartain utilizes her extensive Human Resource Management experience of more than 25 years at companies like South West Airlines and Yahoo! Inc.(where she is currently Executive Vice-President & Chief People Yahoo), to articulate guidelines as well as highlight areas of strategic focus that HR professionals at all levels (and of all ages) need to take cognizance of and to act upon, in order to become highly effective at what they do and to over a period of time, become visionaries in the field of HR. She does this with the help of some great and inspirational stories that create an everlasting impression on your mind and spirit.
In short, the book throughout it’s 253 pages expounds quite effectively on how to transform from ‘a’ HR professional to ‘THE’ HR professional!
I recommend it highly to any and everyone in the field of Human Resource Management and also to students of HR!
Book Stats:
Author: Libby Sartain & Martha I.Finney
Publisher: Amacom Books
First Published: March 1st 2003
Price: $ 22.00 to $ 24.95 ( approx Rs. 880 to Rs. 1000 INR)
Happy Reading!
1 comment:
tnx for taking time for that message bro, anyway kindly link me in this page of yours and message me if your done so that I can add you up also ok... tnx again have a good day TC :)
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